Course catalogue

Overview >  Bachelor Courses >  Politics Administration & International Relations | PAIR >  Humboldtjahr (PAIR Studienstarter ab Fall 2016) >  Schwerpunkt 2 | Fachliche Vertiefung

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
113531 Advanced Seminar | The Best and the Brightest: Recruitment in the Public Sector in times of Digitalization
Dr. Florian Keppeler
Tue, 17. Sep. 2019 [16:30] - Th, 28. Nov. 2019 [12:30]
113532 Advanced Seminar | Goverance in the Federal Republic of Germany
Dr. Oliver Lamprecht; Honorarprofessor Rolf Steltemeier
Mon, 9. Sep. 2019 [10:00] - Fri, 29. Nov. 2019 [16:00]