Course catalogue

Overview >  Bachelor Courses >  Sociology, Politics & Economics | SPE >  Wahlpflicht

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
123121 Legalities of Market Control
Prof. Dr. Georg Jochum
Mon, 1. Feb. 2021 [16:30] - Mon, 26. Apr. 2021 [19:00]
123122 Political & Economic Aspects of Regulation
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Alexander Eisenkopf
Tue, 2. Feb. 2021 [10:00] - Tue, 27. Apr. 2021 [12:30]
123241-44 | B Advanced Methods | B | Online Survey Experiments
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Prügl
Th, 11. Feb. 2021 [16:30] - Th, 22. Apr. 2021 [22:00]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | E Advanced Methods | E | Experimental Designs
Prof. Dr. Carmen Tanner
Th, 25. Feb. 2021 [16:30] - Th, 29. Apr. 2021 [18:00]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | G Advanced Methods | G | Cultural Political Economy
Dr. Georgia Christinidis
Fri, 9. Apr. 2021 [13:30] - Sat, 24. Apr. 2021 [19:00]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | N Advanced Methods | N | Field Experiments
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Prügl
Th, 18. Feb. 2021 [16:30] - Th, 29. Apr. 2021 [22:00]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | O Advanced Methods | O | Art as a form of knowledge
Dr. Andrew McNiven
Fri, 12. Mar. 2021 [13:30] - Sat, 27. Mar. 2021 [16:00]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | S Advanced Methods | S | Analysis of Film
Dr. phil. Anja Blanke
Mon, 1. Feb. 2021 [16:30] - Mon, 26. Apr. 2021 [18:00]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | T Advanced Methods | T | Qualitative Methods: Case Study Research and Research Design
Dr. rer. pol. Dominik Fischer
Fri, 5. Feb. 2021 [10:00] - Fri, 30. Apr. 2021 [11:30]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | V Advanced Methods | V | Quantitative Methods
Prof. Dr. Anja Achtziger
Th, 4. Feb. 2021 [16:30] - Th, 29. Apr. 2021 [18:00]
Seminar / exercise
124024 Urbanization of Global Society
Martin Valdés-Stauber
Th, 4. Feb. 2021 [13:30] - Th, 29. Apr. 2021 [19:00]
124025 Global Culture & Communication
Prof. Dr. Udo Göttlich
Tue, 2. Feb. 2021 [16:30] - Tue, 27. Apr. 2021 [19:00]
124032 Sustainability - Concept, Practice, Policies
Dr. Thomas Pieper
Mon, 1. Feb. 2021 [13:30] - Mon, 26. Apr. 2021 [16:00]
124041 Behavioral Business Ethics
Prof. Dr. Carmen Tanner
Th, 25. Feb. 2021 [10:00] - Th, 29. Apr. 2021 [12:00]
124041 Behavioral Business Ethics
Prof. Dr. Carmen Tanner
Th, 25. Feb. 2021 [13:30] - Th, 29. Apr. 2021 [16:00]
124042 Corporate Responsibility & Compliance
Prof. Dr. habil. Josef Wieland
Mon, 1. Feb. 2021 [13:30] - Mon, 26. Apr. 2021 [16:00]
124043 Theory of the Firm
Dr. Norman Meisinger; Jean Müßgens
Tue, 2. Feb. 2021 [16:30] - Tue, 27. Apr. 2021 [21:00]
124071 Labor & Society
Prof. Dr. Franz Schultheis
Mon, 1. Feb. 2021 [10:00] - Mon, 26. Apr. 2021 [12:30]
124081 Political Communication & the Public Sphere
Dr. Dennis Lichtenstein
Mon, 25. Jan. 2021 [10:00] - Fri, 29. Jan. 2021 [17:15]
124082 Strategic Political Communication
Dr. Jörg-Uwe Nieland
Wed, 3. Feb. 2021 [10:00] - Wed, 28. Apr. 2021 [12:30]
124402 Selected Topics II | Problems of Global Networking, Datafication, and Refeudalization from a Communication Studies Perspective
Dr. Jörg-Uwe Nieland
Tue, 2. Feb. 2021 [13:30] - Tue, 27. Apr. 2021 [16:00]