Course catalogue

Overview >  Master Courses >  Master of Arts in General Management | GEMA >  Obligatory (Studienbeginn ab Fall 2018)

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
522012 Corporate Finance
Prof. Dr. Florentina Paraschiv
Mon, 11. Sep. 2023 [16:30] - Mon, 27. Nov. 2023 [19:00]
522014 Strategic Management
Prof. Dr. Christian Opitz
Th, 21. Sep. 2023 [10:00] - Th, 30. Nov. 2023 [12:30]
Seminar / exercise
522016 Human Resource Management
Prof. Dr. Christian Opitz
Th, 21. Sep. 2023 [13:30] - Th, 30. Nov. 2023 [16:00]
522031 Commercial Law
apl Professor Marcel Kau
Mon, 11. Sep. 2023 [16:30] - Mon, 27. Nov. 2023 [19:00]
522032 Microeconomics
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Schulz
Th, 14. Sep. 2023 [13:30] - Th, 30. Nov. 2023 [16:00]
522041 Business Mathematics
Dr. Alexander Schmidt
Mon, 30. Oct. 2023 [10:00] - Sat, 25. Nov. 2023 [16:00]
Seminar / exercise
522042 Statistics
Dr. Cornelia Chadi
Tue, 12. Sep. 2023 [13:30] - Tue, 28. Nov. 2023 [16:00]
Lecture with practical interests
522051 Research Design
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß
Th, 14. Sep. 2023 [10:00] - Th, 30. Nov. 2023 [12:30]