Course catalogue

Overview >  Bachelor Courses >  Corporate Management & Economics | CME >  Humboldtjahr (CME Studienstarter ab Fall 2016) >  Schwerpunkt 2 | Fachliche Vertiefung

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
112531 Advanced Seminar I | Understanding Consumer Preferences - Learn How to Measure Preferences using Conjoint-analytic and Advanced Compositional Approaches
Jasper David Brüns; Prof. Dr. Martin Meißner
Mon, 13. Sep. 2021 [16:30] - Mon, 29. Nov. 2021 [19:00]
112532 Advanced Seminar II | Energy Transition Thinking Green
Prof. Dr. Florentina Paraschiv
Th, 16. Sep. 2021 [13:30] - Th, 2. Dec. 2021 [16:00]
114531 Advanced Seminar I | Social Change and Politics in Western Europe
Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
Tue, 14. Sep. 2021 [10:00] - Tue, 30. Nov. 2021 [12:30]