Course catalogue

Overview >  Master Courses >  Master in Corporate Management & Economics | CME >  Obligatory

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
112044 Econometrics
Prof. Dr. Franziska Julia Peter
Th, 17. Sep. 2020 [10:00] - Th, 3. Dec. 2020 [12:30]
Lecture with practical interests
112061 Microeconomics
Dr. Felix Ehrenfried
Fri, 18. Sep. 2020 [13:30] - Sat, 14. Nov. 2020 [16:00]
Lecture with practical interests
112062 Macroeconomics
Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc
Tue, 15. Sep. 2020 [13:30] - Tue, 24. Nov. 2020 [16:00]
123241-44 | B Advanced Methods | B | Online Survey Experiments
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Prügl
Tue, 15. Sep. 2020 [13:30] - Tue, 24. Nov. 2020 [16:00]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | F Advanced Methods | F | Inferential statistics and complex surveys using R
Cristóbal Moya
Fri, 18. Sep. 2020 [10:00] - Fri, 4. Dec. 2020 [11:30]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | O Advanced Methods | O | Art as a form of knowledge | A
Dr. Andrew McNiven
Fri, 11. Sep. 2020 [10:00] - Sat, 31. Oct. 2020 [18:00]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | O Advanced Methods | O | Art as a form of knowledge | B
Dr. Andrew McNiven
Sat, 12. Sep. 2020 [10:00] - Sat, 7. Nov. 2020 [18:00]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | T Advanced Methods | T | Qualitative Methods
Prof. Dr. Anja Achtziger
Th, 17. Sep. 2020 [08:00] - Th, 3. Dec. 2020 [09:30]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | V Advanced Methods | V | Quantitative Methods
Prof. Dr. Anja Achtziger
Th, 17. Sep. 2020 [19:30] - Th, 3. Dec. 2020 [22:00]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | X Advanced Methods | X | Quantitative Text Analysis
Tatjana Brütting
Th, 17. Sep. 2020 [10:00] - Th, 29. Oct. 2020 [12:30]
Seminar / exercise
123241-44 | Y Advanced Methods | Y | Machine Learning
Dr. Kilian Seng
Tue, 15. Sep. 2020 [13:30] - Tue, 24. Nov. 2020 [16:00]
Seminar / exercise