00003-12 F StudentStudy | Introduction to Behavioural Economics


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Urs Fischbacher; Sebastian Hermann; Dr. oec. Micha Kaiser; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Dr. Regine Oexl; Noah Volquart Peters; Prof. Dr. Lucia Reisch; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Sociology, Politics & Economics

Anzeige im Stundenplan: StudStud Beh.Econ.

Semesterwochenstunden: 6

Credits: 12,0

Standort: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 30

Prioritätsschema: Standard-Priorisierung

Behavioural economics is a young, interdisciplinary science that has recently developed in the interface between economic and psychological sciences, but also includes insights from other fields such as sociology, evolutionary theory, political science, or neuroscience. One central theme in behavioural economics is judgment and decision making. Because economic decisions in real life (e.g., consumer choices) are sometimes inconsistent with standard economic theory (which postulates that people generally strive to maximise gains and minimise losses), it is one aim of behavioural economics to explore and explain the factors that may cause such deviations.

Module Structure
The StudentStudy “Introduction to Behavioural Economics” consists of two seminars that can be considered complementary building blocks with distinct areas of focus; i.e., one seminar concentrates on theory and methodology in behavioural economics, the other on application of the former in designing experimental studies.
The seminar Foundations of Behavioural Economics elucidates the history, fundamental theories, and methods, as well as currently debated, contentious points of the field. The seminar’s focus (presentations and discussions) will be on experimental studies, since experimental work constitutes the bulk of research in behavioural economics. A group task is incorporated to highlight the extensive practicality and innovative potential of research findings.
The seminar Behavioural Economics Experimental Workshop provides a framework to put gained theoretical and methodological knowledge into research practice. Participants elaborate on an experimental design developed to replicate some self-chosen finding from the behavioural economics literature. As a group task, experiments are conducted, analysed and reported with ongoing professional supervision and consultancy provided.


The StudentStudy “Introduction to Behavioural Economics” is designed to convey the basic theoretical models and methodological tools in behavioural economics. A broad range of topics from current research is covered by combining lecture sessions with colloquia-like discussions and individual presentations by student participants. This way, in-depth examination of theory, methods, and currently debated issues is warranted. Additionally, gained knowledge will be put into practice: By providing an appropriate framework through continued guidance participants are encouraged to develop and conduct student research projects in behavioural economics.

Weitere Informationen zu den Prüfungsleistungen:
In general, the students constitute small groups and work together on the following assignments:

1.    Presentation in Foundations seminar (20%):
Each group gives a short presentation e.g. on a paper or current research topic during the Foundations seminar.

2.    Presentation/Research Colloquium in Experimental Workshop (20%):
Each group presents their final research results during a colloquium that is thought to provide for open feedback and question clarification.

3.    Scientific Poster (60%):
The groups conduct behavioural economic experiments and depict their entire research process (theory, methodology, and findings) with the means of a concise scientific poster. This assignment requires the students to narrow down their project as demanded by most scientific journals and conferences thus allowing for an authentic experience of research practice.

The course language is German. However, readings as well as guest lectures will require proficiency in the English language.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 30. Jan. 2019 11:00 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.03 Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
2 Fr, 1. Feb. 2019 13:30 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.03 Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
3 Fr, 8. Feb. 2019 13:30 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.03 Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
4 Mi, 13. Feb. 2019 10:00 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.03 Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
5 Fr, 15. Feb. 2019 13:30 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.03 Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
6 Mi, 20. Feb. 2019 09:00 15:00 1 | Termin abgesagt Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
7 Mi, 27. Feb. 2019 13:30 19:00 Fab 3 | 2.03 Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Dr. Regine Oexl; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
8 Fr, 1. Mär. 2019 13:30 16:00 Fab 3 | 1.07 Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
9 Fr, 8. Mär. 2019 10:00 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.08 Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
10 Mi, 20. Mär. 2019 13:30 16:00 Fab 3 | Alfred Colsman | Forum 0.02 Prof. Dr. Urs Fischbacher; Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
11 Mi, 27. Mär. 2019 13:30 19:00 Fab 3 | 1.05 Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
12 Mi, 3. Apr. 2019 11:30 17:00 Fab 3 | 2.03 Sebastian Hermann; Dr. oec. Micha Kaiser; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Lucia Reisch; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
13 Fr, 5. Apr. 2019 13:30 15:00 Fab 3 | 2.06 Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
14 Mi, 24. Apr. 2019 10:00 12:30 Fab 3 | 2.10 Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
15 Fr, 26. Apr. 2019 13:30 16:00 Fab 3 | 1.06 Sebastian Hermann; Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig; Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Bestehenspflicht
1. Midterm + Endterm k.Terminbuchung Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Lucia Reisch
Prof. Dr. Matthias Sohn
Noah Volquart Peters
Dipl. Psych. Jonas Ludwig
Dr. oec. Micha Kaiser
Sebastian Hermann
Prof. Dr. Urs Fischbacher
Dr. Regine Oexl