122172 International Monetary Economics


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Corporate Management & Economics

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Int. Monet. Econ.

Semesterwochenstunden: 3

Credits: 6,0
Hinweis: In Ihrer Prüfungsordnung können abweichende Credits festgelegt sein.

Standort: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 35

Prioritätsschema: Standard-Priorisierung

The course International Monetary Economics studies macroeconomic and central banking aspects. It touches on all areas in macro-finance, especially monetary economics and monetary policy. We focus on central banking, economic growth, exchanges rates, and the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). By utilizing interactive teaching, you'll learn AI tools in macroeconomics and computational thinking.

The course draws heavily on theoretical and empirical research to help guide managerial decisions.

This course offers you viable insights in the methods of theoretical economics and the design of economic policy. This course is taught from an academic point of view and it integrates current policy discussions.

By the end of this course, you should have:
• An understanding of monetary and fiscal policy issues;
• An understanding of the differences of monetary and fiscal policy within the EMU;
• An understanding of growth theory and growth models;
• An understanding of how the ECB operates and what its goals are;
• An understanding of supply and demand in the money market + interest rates;
• An understanding of macro supply and demand in goods markets + investments;
• An appreciation of the functioning of exchange rates;
• An understanding about the interconnections in a macro-economy;
• An understanding of the European sovereign debt crisis;
• A profound knowledge about the working of macroeconomic models;
• A basic understanding of AI tools and computational methods (Julia language);

Main Competencies: Students will engage in critical thinking and analyze issues with a global mindset.

Weitere Informationen zu den Prüfungsleistungen:
One hour final exam

Zugelassene Hilfsmittel für die Prüfung:

[1] Abel, A.B., B.S. Bernanke, D. Croushore (2016). Macroeconomics.
[2] Acemoglu, D, D.I. Laibson, J.A. List (2017). Macroeconomics.
[3] Blanchard, O. (2017). Macroeconomics.
Advanced Literature:
[1] Obstfeld, M. and K. Rogoff, Foundation of International Macroeconomics, 1996, ISBN 0262150476, MIT Press.
[2] Romer, D., Advanced Macroeconomics, ISBN: 0072318554,
[3] Mas-Colell, A.; Whinston, M.; Green, J. (1995), Microeconomic Theory, Oxford  University Press, Oxford.

New and General Topics in Macroeconomics:
[1] Meltzer, A.H. (2012). Why Capitalism?, Oxford University Press.
[2] De Grauwe, P. (2012). Lecture on Behavioral Macroeconomics, Princeton University Press.
[3] Shiller, R. (2012). Finance and the Good Society, Princeton University Press.
[4] Piketty, T. (2013). Capital in the 21th Century, MIT Press, Boston.
[5] Akerlof, G., Blanchard, O., Romer, D., Stiglitz, J. (2014). What Have We Learned? –   Macroeconomic Policy after the Crisis. MIT Press, Cambridge, US.
[6] Calvo, G. (2016). Macroeconomics in Times of Liquidity Crises, MIT Press, Cambridge, US.
[7] Cochrane, J.H. (2023). The Fiscal theory of the Price Level, Princeton University Press.

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Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Sa, 4. Nov. 2023 09:00 17:00 Fab 3 | 1.08 Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog
2 Fr, 10. Nov. 2023 13:30 19:00 Fab 3 | 1.08 Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog
3 Sa, 11. Nov. 2023 09:00 17:00 Fab 3 | 1.08 Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog
4 Fr, 17. Nov. 2023 13:30 19:00 Fab 3 | 2.01 Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog
5 Sa, 18. Nov. 2023 09:00 17:00 Fab 3 | 2.01 Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Bestehenspflicht
1. Exam Do, 7. Dez. 2023 08:30-10:00 Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog Nein
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Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog