123241-44 | E Advanced Methods | E | Meta-Analyse


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar / Übung

Orga-Einheit: Corporate Management & Economics

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Adv. Meth. | Meta-An

Semesterwochenstunden: 3

Credits: 3,0

Standort: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 3 | 35

A comprehensive meta-analysis combines a variety of statistical techniques that are useful in reviewing and evaluating the empirical literature in a specific field of research. In contrast to merely narrative reviews, meta-analyses offer a quantitative methodology for summarizing and aggregating published empirical findings on the phenomenon of interest. Hence, it is a powerful instrument to assess variation among reported results and publication bias. Meta-analyses are thus useful to explain result heterogeneities across publications (beyond mere sampling error) in a more systematic way. While meta-analysis has a long tradition, for instance, in medicine and natural sciences, this approach is relatively new in economics. The course will include applications of meta-analysis in Stata and R. We will discuss and replicate selected papers.

The students will
| will be able to design and implement a meta-analysis research project;
| will acquire the ability to formulate an economic research question with field-specific or interdisciplinary references and to work on it independently using scientific methods and findings;
| will be able to document their own research results in a term paper and to discuss them critically.

Weitere Informationen zu den Prüfungsleistungen:
presentation (70%), essay (30%) 

Zugelassene Hilfsmittel für die Prüfung:

Stanley, T. D. Doucouliagos, H., 2012. Meta Regression Analysis in Economics and Business, Routledge, New York.
Stanley, T. D. et al., 2020. Reporting Guidelines For Meta-Analysis In Economics. Journal of Economic Surveys, 34(3), 469-475, July.
Stanley, T. D., 2001. Wheat from Chaff: Meta-Analysis as Quantitative Literature Review. Journal of Economic Perspectives 15(3), 131–150.
Stanley, T. D., 2001. Wheat from Chaff: Meta-Analysis as Quantitative Literature Review. Journal of Economic Perspectives 15(3), 131–150.
Stanley, T. D., 2008. Meta-Regression Methods for Detecting and Estimating Empirical Effects in the Presence of Publication Selection. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 70(1), 103–127.
Fidrmuc, J., Lind, R., 2020. Macroeconomic Impact of Basel III: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis,  Journal of Banking & Finance, 112(C).

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Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 10. Okt. 2023 10:00 12:30 SMH | LZ 08 Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc
2 Di, 17. Okt. 2023 10:00 12:30 SMH | LZ 08 Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc
3 Di, 24. Okt. 2023 10:00 12:30 SMH | LZ 08 Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc
4 Di, 7. Nov. 2023 10:00 12:30 SMH | LZ 08 Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc
5 Di, 14. Nov. 2023 10:00 12:30 SMH | LZ 08 Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc
6 Di, 21. Nov. 2023 10:00 12:30 SMH | LZ 08 Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc
7 Di, 28. Nov. 2023 10:00 12:30 SMH | LZ 08 Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc
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1. Midterm + Endterm k.Terminbuchung Nein
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Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc