110012 Workshop | Creativity & Performativity B


Lehrende: Dr. Philipp Kleinmichel; Dr. Andrew McNiven; Vishnu Vardhani Rajan; Prof. Dr. Karen van den Berg

Veranstaltungsart: Workshop

Orga-Einheit: Communication & Cultural Management

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Workshop | B

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 2,0
Hinweis: In Ihrer Prüfungsordnung können abweichende Credits festgelegt sein.

Standort: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 35

Prioritätsschema: Standard-Priorisierung

Being wrong’ is an applicable paradigm of creative practice and an element of both tacit and embodied knowing; the sense of essaying, manipulating ideas and ‘stuff’, and knowing when something is 'right’ being the (highly elusive or even impossible) ultimate goal. As a concept ‘being wrong’ maps onto our own experiences, histories and identities – a constant interrogation and adapting of ourselves and our contexts: political, social; economic; etc. and by implication, an acknowledgement that things can also, possibly, ‘be right’. ‘Being wrong’ informs our instincts to test and tune, to improve and refine – be these at a personal, creative or much wider societal levels – or even, simply, to just continue ‘being’. 
Through practical exercises lead by practising artists Vishnu Vardhani and Andrew McNiven students will examine the idea of ‘being wrong’. In the application of critical artistic approaches, students will gain experience and extend competencies in the kinds of processes used to navigate and explore ideas through wider artistic knowledge and creativity. The course will be permissive in the best sense, open to and invested in the ideas and insights of the participants, offering a high level of freedom and agency to students. 

More information can be found here

Andrew McNiven is a Scots/Irish artist and academic. Born in Edinburgh in 1963, he studied Fine Art at Goldsmiths' College in London, graduating in 1987, a contemporary of many of the artists who rose to international prominence during the 1990s. He received his MA from Goldsmiths' in 1995. Since 1990 his work has been shown internationally, including  the Lisson Gallery, the Whitechapel Gallery, the Akademie der Kunst, Berlin and the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh. In the last decade most of his work has involved moving image. He was a lecturer at Edinburgh College of Art until 2004 and completed an AHRC-funded, practice-led PhD at Northumbria University in 2010. He has taught at Zeppelin University since 2010. He lives and works in Scotland and France.

Vishnu Vardhani Rajan (Hyderabad, Helsinki) is a body-philosopher and performance artist. A hyphenated identity, multidisciplinary practices and building connections between art, science, witchcraft, history and cultures define them. Vishnu’s work spans, dance, non-performance-performance, performing arts, performance poetry, stand-up comedy, moving images, punk-architecture and cultural poetics of community building. Quilting as a methodology centering topics of conflict, sleep and shame, Infinite Playlist Afterisms (IPA) centering politics of pleasure and joy and ‘Convivial Complaint Cell’ are their ongoing work. Vishnu’s persona, Vamp Master Brown, is the first Indian drag king in Helsinki. They are currently researching on how to combine various disciplines to achieve a new visual vocabulary and language in performance, and storytelling. They are currently reading Sara Ahmed’s Complaint with a reading-circle. Vishnu’s guerilla curatorial praxis aims to address Multi-Scalar social challenges.

The module aims to sharpen perception and imparts knowledge of alternative forms of knowledge and creativity techniques in the context of university education. Students receive a practical introduction to design skills and a sense of the social situatedness of their actions.

Weitere Informationen zu den Prüfungsleistungen:
Attendance min. 75% - Attendance at the final presentation.

To complete module 12141 (CCM)/241127 (AMC), BOTH courses LV 110012 Workshop Creativity & Performance AND LV 121411 Reflection and Presentation of Artistic Episteme must be attended.
- Within ZUplus, LV 110012 Workshop Creativity & Performance can be attended alone (2 ECTS).

How do new forms of living together emerge? The module focuses on the question of how one can gain unfamiliar perspectives on the familiar, in order to allow for the new and the different to emerge into our world. Together with artists you will test experimental and performative possibilities of aesthetic and artistic forms of knowledge, become creatively active and get to know new techniques of observation, improvisation and imagination. In this way, you will become familiar with forms of world appropriation that derive from practical, creative action and unfold in the work with your own body and senses. Within the module, different creative and artistic modes of knowledge production are offered and combined with each other. These range from drawing, photographic and filmic modes to performative and ritual self-techniques. The different workshops will be structured by the preparation of a final public presentation.

More information can be found here https://www.zu.de/lehrstuehle/kunsttheorie/kreative-performanz.php

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 6. Okt. 2023 09:30 18:00 Fab 3 | 1.01 Dr. Philipp Kleinmichel; Dr. Andrew McNiven; Vishnu Vardhani Rajan; Prof. Dr. Karen van den Berg
2 Sa, 7. Okt. 2023 10:00 18:00 Fab 3 | 1.01Fab 3 | 2.01 Dr. Philipp Kleinmichel; Dr. Andrew McNiven; Vishnu Vardhani Rajan
3 So, 8. Okt. 2023 10:00 19:00 Fab 3 | 1.01Fab 3 | 2.01 Dr. Philipp Kleinmichel; Dr. Andrew McNiven; Vishnu Vardhani Rajan
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Bestehenspflicht
1. Teilnahme | Class Participation ohne Termin Nein
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Karen van den Berg
Dr. Andrew McNiven
Dr. Philipp Kleinmichel
Vishnu Vardhani Rajan