231031 | 241491 ABGESAGT | Theories of Communication


Lehrende: Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar / Übung

Orga-Einheit: Communication & Cultural Management

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Communication

Semesterwochenstunden: 3

Credits: 6,0

Standort: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 5 | 35

Prioritätsschema: Standard-Priorisierung

The seminar "Theories of Communication" aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the various theoretical approaches in communication scholarship and their integration into broader theoretical contexts. The focus is on the analysis of public communication and its interconnections with societal theories and theories of individual actions.
The specific objectives of the seminar are as follows:
1.  Linking Communication and Public Sphere: Theories of communication are theories of public communication and the resulting public sphere as well. The participants will recognize how communication theories are linked with theories of society and individual action. The course emphasizes that communication theories cannot be viewed in isolation but are always embedded in larger theoretical contexts.
2.  Description and Analysis of Public Communication: Starting from human interaction, the seminar will explore how communication scholarship describes and analyzes the resulting public communication. Various perspectives that the discipline has taken throughout its development will be examined. Participants will learn how individual theories are connected to societal theories and further examine the role of these connections regarding public communication.
3.  Science and Social Change: A central theme of the course is the relationship between scientific description of communication and its actual forms in everyday life. The seminar will discuss how science can respond to disruptive transformations (e.g. technological, political, cultural) and the challenges and opportunities that arise from that. Students will learn about the consequences of these transformation for communication – and how communication scholarship responds to these transformations.
4.  Shaping Social Transformations: The seminar examines how scholars can not only analyze and describe social transformations but can help to shape them in way that’s functional for society. It will discuss the methods and approaches available to actively contribute to the shaping of public communication and societal developments.
5.  Critical Evaluation of Theoretical Positions: The seminar aims to familiarize the participants with a variety of theoretical positions on communication and critically evaluate them in the context of the transformation of public communication. Students will assess their relevance and modes for practical application against the backdrop of the ongoing disruptive transformations.
6.  Cultural and Historical Context of Theories: Another focus is on the cultural and historical context of communication theories. Students will learn to understand how these theories emerged in their respective historical and cultural contexts and how they have evolved over time.
7.  Linking Theories: Finally, the seminar will investigate how different communication theories are connected to other theories of society or individual action. Students will develop the ability to relate theoretical approaches to each other and analyze their mutual influence.
8.  Evaluating the Potential for Shaping Transformation: The participants will evaluate their own potential to shape the transformation of the public sphere based on the learned theories. In participating, they should be able to translate theoretical knowledge into practical skills to play an active part in the transformation of public communication.
These objectives aim to enhance the theoretical and methodological competencies of the students and prepare them for a thorough scientific engagement with questions in communication scholarship. Participants should be able to critically reflect on the dynamics of public communication and actively contribute to its shaping.

1. Understanding and Critical Evaluation of Theoretical Positions:
Students will be able to understand various theories of communication scholarship, contextualize them within their cultural and historical backgrounds, and critically evaluate their relevance in light of the transformation of public communication.

2. Analysis of Public Communication and Social Change:
Participants will learn how communication scholarship describes and analyzes the dynamics of public communication and how it can respond to societal changes. They develop the ability to apply theoretical approaches to modern challenges and understand social transformation processes.

3. Competence in Shaping Social Transformations:
Students should evaluate their own potential to shape the transformation of the public sphere. They should be capable of translating theoretical knowledge into practical skills to actively participate in the shaping of public communication and functionally influence societal developments.

Weitere Informationen zu den Prüfungsleistungen:
The assessment for this seminar is a term paper of fifteen pages in length, which elaborates on one aspect of the topics discussed during the seminar. This can be achieved through theoretical reflection, critique, or original empirical research. Further details will be provided during the seminar.

The seminar is based on two textbooks that provide the theoretical groundwork. Further information on additional literature will be given during the seminar.

  • McQuail, D., & Deuze, M. (2020). McQuail’s Media & Mass Communication Theory (7th ed.). SAGE.
  • O’Boyle, N. (2022). Communication Theory for Humans: Communicators in a Mediated World. Springer International Publishing.

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Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 10. Sep. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
2 Di, 17. Sep. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
3 Di, 24. Sep. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
4 Di, 1. Okt. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
5 Di, 8. Okt. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
6 Di, 15. Okt. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
7 Di, 22. Okt. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
8 Di, 5. Nov. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
9 Di, 12. Nov. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
10 Di, 19. Nov. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
11 Di, 26. Nov. 2024 13:30 16:00 Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers
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1. Endterm k.Terminbuchung Nein
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Dr. phil. Martin R. Herbers