110011 Workshop | Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship


Lehrende: M.Sc. Clemens Krüger

Veranstaltungsart: Workshop

Orga-Einheit: Corporate Management & Economics

Anzeige im Stundenplan: WS | Entrepreneursh.

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 2,0
Hinweis: In Ihrer Prüfungsordnung können abweichende Credits festgelegt sein.

Standort: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 | 35

Prioritätsschema: Standard-Priorisierung


Exploring Entrepreneurship at am Entrepreneurial Research University

There's a world of potential in making personal projects a reality and, in turn, influencing societal progress. Whether through politics, science, managing organizations across industries, or even initiating your own venture, every path holds its unique opportunities. Entrepreneurial thinking is not exclusive to founders—it’s beneficial to anyone, irrespective of their future career aspirations.

Recognized by the European Commission as a key competence in a knowledge-based society (refer to EU Entrepreneurship Action Plan, 2020), "Entrepreneurship" is an essential future-ready skill. It's a rich blend of business acumen and character traits like creativity, initiative, perseverance, adaptability, teamwork, and responsibility. In essence, it's about channeling ideas into actions, finding innovative solutions to societal challenges.
At ZU, with its interdisciplinary foundation, we take a comprehensive view of entrepreneurship, transcending the boundaries of launching fast-growing companies. In sync with the contemporary startup ecosystem, we emphasize not just creating "unicorns" (highly scalable business models), but also nurturing "zebras" (enterprises with a balanced profit and purpose motive).

Introducing the Workshop "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship"

Targeting Bachelor students from all disciplines, this workshop provides an insightful look into the preconditions and implications of successful entrepreneurship. Our focus isn't limited to traditional business entrepreneurship—we also delve into problem-solving in social, cultural, political, and ecological contexts. The spotlight is invariably on crafting innovative solutions and harnessing technology to unlock new entrepreneurial opportunities.
This course imparts essential methodological tools, emphasizing the questions of "what", "how", and significantly, "why". We explore what fuels successful entrepreneurs, the motivation behind their specific paths, and their driving forces. Entrepreneurship is primarily a mindset and a lifestyle, and then a profession. Instead of merely teaching techniques, we aim to get a deeper understanding, engaging in discussions with successful entrepreneurs from diverse domains.

Workshop Outline

This workshop offers an immersive and interactive learning experience. Through a three-day simulation, we will brainstorm entrepreneurial ideas around a topical issue, build them into a business model, and present them in a pitch. The focus is on user-centric problem-solving using innovative business and product ideas (Design Thinking) and methodologies that foster entrepreneurial thinking and action (Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Design, etc.). All methods share a systematic approach coupled with agile action.

Day 1 | Ideation
Afternoon, first part | World Café "Future Trends & Challenges": We start by exploring various future trends in a World Café format, laying the foundation for entrepreneurial ideas.
Afternoon, second part | Ideation: During a structured ideation session, we brainstorm potential entrepreneurial solutions.

Day 2 | Design
Afternoon, first part | Value Proposition Design: In small groups, we create a value proposition design for the most promising ideas.
Afternoon, second part | Business Model Canvas: We develop business models from these refined ideas.

Day 3 | Presentation
Morning | Pitch Training & Pitch Preparation: The groups prepare a pitch to present their idea to an expert panel.
Afternoon | Pitch Session and Wrap-up

Throughout the workshop, we will have keynote speeches by successful entrepreneurs, who will share their journey, challenges, achievements, and lessons learned.
Join us in this fascinating exploration of entrepreneurship, where we turn ideas into action and make a difference!


  • Understand the Concept and Importance of Entrepreneurship: Students will learn about the broad spectrum of entrepreneurship, its role in societal progress, and why it's considered a key competence in today's knowledge-based society.
  • Develop Entrepreneurial Mindset: The workshop aims to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset in students, including traits such as creativity, initiative, perseverance, adaptability, teamwork, and responsibility.
  • Apply Entrepreneurship in Various Contexts: Students will understand how entrepreneurial thinking can be applied not just in traditional business scenarios, but also in social, cultural, political, and ecological contexts.
  • Learn Essential Entrepreneurial Tools: Students will be exposed to key methodologies and tools such as Design Thinking, Business Model Canvas, and Value Proposition Design.
  • Ideation and Problem-Solving Skills: Through practical exercises, students will practice ideating innovative solutions to real-world problems, transforming these ideas into viable business models.
  • Understand the Motivations of Successful Entrepreneurs: Through discussions and keynotes, students will gain insights into what drives successful entrepreneurs, helping them understand the "why" behind entrepreneurship.
  • Enhance Presentation Skills: Students will learn to effectively communicate their ideas through pitch preparation and presentations, essential skills in the entrepreneurial journey
  • Collaborative Teamwork: The workshop promotes working effectively in a team environment, encouraging cooperative learning and collaboration in small groups to develop and present entrepreneurial ideas.
  • Gain Exposure to Real-Life Entrepreneurial Journeys: Students will learn from the experiences of successful entrepreneurs, understanding the challenges faced in the entrepreneurial journey and how to overcome them.
  • Foster a Balanced View of Entrepreneurship: Students will grasp the importance of building not just profit-focused 'unicorns', but also purpose-oriented 'zebras', thus fostering a balanced view of entrepreneurship.
  • Overall, the workshop aims to inspire students to think entrepreneurially, equipping them with the tools and skills needed to turn their innovative ideas into actions, and encouraging them to make a positive impact in their future careers and society.

Weitere Informationen zu den Prüfungsleistungen:
Participation in all workshop days is compulsory and a prerequisite for passing the course. Beyond that, there is no separate examination.
Participation in all three workshop days is a prerequisite for passing the course

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Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 13. Sep. 2024 13:30 19:00 M.Sc. Clemens Krüger
2 Fr, 20. Sep. 2024 13:30 19:00 M.Sc. Clemens Krüger
3 Sa, 21. Sep. 2024 10:00 16:00 M.Sc. Clemens Krüger
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Bestehenspflicht
1. Teilnahme | Class Participation ohne Termin Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
  • 1
  • 2
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M.Sc. Clemens Krüger