241155 | 121182 Curatorial Practice


Lehrende: Rahel Spöhrer

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar / Übung

Orga-Einheit: Communication & Cultural Management

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Curatorial Practice

Semesterwochenstunden: 3

Credits: 6,0
Hinweis: In Ihrer Prüfungsordnung können abweichende Credits festgelegt sein.

Standort: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 5 | 35

Prioritätsschema: Standard-Priorisierung



What is the relationship between life, art and learning? How are art, education and protest interwoven? In what ways do artistic practices challenge conventional/state-funded educational practices and institutions and develop counter-designs for studying, learning and knowledge production? And how can a curator engage with these questions and create an exhibition programme (i.e. realities) that allows the very questions posed above to be experienced and explored in an ethical way?  
This year's course "Curatorial Practice" deals with educational blueprints in the field of art, based on the annual theme "Academic Cannibalism" and in the context of the current exhibition project "Blueprints for Studies". The course will focus on historical and contemporary artistic practices and projects that challenge existing educational institutions - either by creating alternative sites of learning or by challenging existing structures through protest, strike and occupation. It will address the question of when (art) institutions themselves become sites of learning and thus of social change. 
In the course, students will work in small groups to develop curatorial projects that will be realised in the White Box and focus on the following themes:  
(a) History of strike, protest and refusal as practices of (un-)learning at universities, art schools and art institutions (e.g. Art Workers Coalition, WAR Women Art Revolution, Maagdenhuis Occupations). Students will learn how to work curatorially with archives and archival materials that capture these historical moments.
(b) Contemporary artistic positions and projects that aim to rethink structures and practices of learning within the arts (Jeanne van Heeswijk's Ultradependent Public School, Robida, Free Home University, School of the Damned). 
(c) Current protests at universities, art institutions and art colleges such as Moma New York, Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin, FU Berlin, Columbia University, etc. and the role of artistic practices and positions within those upheavals. 
The curatorial projects, which are independently conceived by the students, can for example take the form of a small exhibition, display of archival material or art works, video screenings, performances, talks or workshops.


In this course, students receive an introduction to experimental practices of curating. They learn to pursue and address content-related questions in curatorial formats. In the co-development of their own curatorial projects, the participants learn the basic techniques of curating: from the content-related engagement with a topic, to the conception, to the acquisition of funds, to the organization, implementation, and hosting of a curatorial event.

Weitere Informationen zu den Prüfungsleistungen:
The examination of the course "Curatorial Practice" consists of co-curating an event within the framework of the exhibition “Blueprints for Studies” in the White Box of Zeppelin University. 

This course is linked to the theoretical part of the module by Prof. Dr. Karen van den Berg. It is mandatory to take both courses "Theory & History of Curating" and "Curatorial Practice" as a module. Exceptions for international students! 

Für diese Veranstaltung sind keine Anmeldephasen eingerichtet, wenn Sie sich trotzdem anmelden wollen, wenden Sie sich bitte an kurswahl@zu.de
Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 9. Sep. 2024 10:00 12:30 Rahel Spöhrer
2 Do, 12. Sep. 2024 13:30 16:00 Rahel Spöhrer
3 Fr, 20. Sep. 2024 13:30 19:00 Rahel Spöhrer
4 So, 22. Sep. 2024 10:00 12:30 Rahel Spöhrer
5 Do, 26. Sep. 2024 13:30 16:00 Rahel Spöhrer
6 Sa, 28. Sep. 2024 10:00 16:00 Rahel Spöhrer
7 Do, 17. Okt. 2024 13:30 16:00 Rahel Spöhrer
8 Do, 7. Nov. 2024 13:30 16:00 Rahel Spöhrer
9 Do, 21. Nov. 2024 13:30 16:00 Rahel Spöhrer
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Rahel Spöhrer