4000235 Advanced Theories | Systems, Networks, Form


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Dirk Baecker

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Graduate School | ZUGS

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Semesterwochenstunden: 16

Credits: 4,0

Standort: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 3 | 12

This seminar is a course on general sociological theory and, in fact, general theory as such. It looks at theories of self-referential systems (Talcott Parsons and Niklas Luhmann), at network theory (Harrison C. White), and tries to combine them within a form calculus (George Spencer-Brown) describing eigen-values of recursive functions. Systems are as much about operations and time as networks are about structures and identities. So the question is how to conceive of structures-as-operations being operations-within-structures. Evidently this amounts to a theory of complexity. We will discuss basic notions such as system, autopoiesis, identity, control, and form and try to apply them to questions born out of PhD projects of the participants. 

Talcott Parsons, "A Paradigm of the Human Condition", in: idem, Action Theory and the Human Condition, New York: Free Press, 1978, pp. 352–433.
Niklas Luhmann, Social Systems, transl. John Bednarz, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1995, "Introduction: Paradigm Change in Systems Theory", pp. 1–11, and chap. 1: "System and Function", pp. 12–58.
Humberto R. Maturana, "Autopoiesis", in: Milan Zeleny (ed.), Autopoiesis: A Theory of Living Organizations, New York: North-Holland, 1981, pp. 157–166.
Harrison C. White, Identity and Control: A Structural Theory of Action, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992, chap. 1: "Introduction to Identity and Control", pp. 3–21, and chap. 2: "Disciplines", pp. 22–64.
George Spencer-Brown, Laws of Form, fifth intern. ed., Leipzig: Bohmeier, 2008.

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Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 30. Sep. 2024 09:00 16:00 1 | noch offen Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Dirk Baecker
2 Di, 1. Okt. 2024 09:00 16:00 1 | noch offen Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Dirk Baecker
3 Mi, 2. Okt. 2024 09:00 14:00 1 | noch offen Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Dirk Baecker
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Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Dirk Baecker