242061 Knowledge Management

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel

Event type: Seminar / exercise

Org-unit: Corporate Management & Economics

Displayed in timetable as: Knowl. Mgmt.

Hours per week: 3

Credits: 6,0

Location: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: 10 | 30

Course content:
| Focus of seminar

The course is equally introducing in its first part the theory as in its second part the practice of knowledge management. The theory discusses historically the advances of understanding the value of knowledge for innovation and corporate performance as well as concepts to access and create new knowledge in a corporate setting. The theory is complemented with case studies and practical examples. After half of the course the students will conduct their own research and analyze it in form of a case study of an innovation ecosystem such as autonomous driving, human genome project or smart cities in order to understand knowledge flows in today’s economy.



| Knowledge based theory of the firm, dimensions of knowledge, knowledge processes;

| Knowledge management in practice, business goals for knowledge management;

| Networks for managing knowledge;

| Opening up the innovation process to external knowledge;

| Ecosystems and open innovation 2.0;


Educational objective:
| Goals of seminar

Due to the fact that this seminar corresponds to a research seminar, your active participation is required. Based on the selected research articles in the seminar schedule, we will discuss and elaborate on different questions in the context of knowledge management.


You will...

-          Learn about the objectives and the strategy support of knowledge and innovation management

-          Learn about the knowledge processes and their link to business processes

-          Learn about organisational forms to support knowledge creation like communities of practice and knowledge networks

-          Learn about the link between knowledge and innovation management through new innovation models, innovation networks and listening posts

-          Learn how to analyse company’s knowledge flows

-          Experience how to connect theory and practice in innovation management

-          Learn how to collect and analyze empirical data in order to approach a specific problem/ question in the context of open innovation

-          Contribute to theory building in these areas.


Further information about the exams:
| Requirements


Presentation (1-2 students)

One or two students (depending on the size of the course) need to prepare one scientific paper in the course. The papers are scheduled due to the topics of the individual sessions. Please critically discuss the scientific paper with regard to other literature!


Criteria and specifications for oral group work

Reached score (max. 25 per category)

1. Introduction and literature review:

- Focus on a selected issue

- Selection of additional relevant academic literature and connection of relevant research streams (focus on peer-reviewed academic journal articles)


2. Discussion and conclusion:

- Clear understanding of the content and background of the article and topic, clear structure of argumentation

- Interpretation based on discussion (e.g. comparison with additional literature)


3. Creative and insights and novelty value:

- Extent to which you show intellectual depth and a critical assessment with regard to the existing literature

- Extent to which you come up with new and valuable research ideas and approaches (e.g. extension of theory)


4. Form and presentation style:

- Consistent citing of literature (accuracy and consistency in both text and reference list), time keeping

- Academic writing including correct grammar, punctuation and spelling


Total score



Scientific essay (3 students per group):

Your final scientific conceptual paper shall encompass 15 pages (+/- 10%, otherwise deduction of points) without title page, declaration of honor, table of content, references and appendix. You will write an essay about how digitalization is going to change knowledge management for a company, an organization, an individual or the society! The paper shall be written in English and is evaluated as group performance, i.e. every student in a group will receive the same grade.

Please stick to the CME-guidelines regarding formatting but Harvard Citation Style without footnotes! When selecting your references, please predominantly use peer-reviewed journal articles (~70%) with regard to the categories A+, A, B or C according to the VHB Jourqual 2.1.

Link to VHB Jourqual ranking:



Beside these peer-reviewed journal articles, you can also cite books or other journal articles (~30%).

I ask you to present your paper from the 24. April and 08. Mai during our course (30 mins presentation, 15 Mins discussion) and submit your final paper until 22. May via email to ellen.enkel@zu.de and paper@zu.de. Please, adhere to the listed deadline and conditions, since exceptions will not be made.


Structure of your empirical research paper (see also slides of introduction session):


-          Title page and declaration of honor

-          Abstract

-          Introduction

-          Discussion/analysis of theory

-          Propositions

-          Discussion

-          References

-          Appendix


| Evaluation criteria for empirical research papers

Criteria and specifications

Reached score (max. 20 per category)

1. Introduction and literature review:

- Quality of your abstract

- Focus on a selected issue in the context of digitalization and knowledge management and formulation of a clear research question considering rigor and relevance

- Selection of relevant academic literature and connection of relevant research streams

- Formulation of theory-based propositions and linking different theories/research streams


2. Quality of literature analysis:

- Depth of discussion and understanding of literature

- Critical assessment

- Quality of selected literature (regarding importance and impact)


3. Discussion and conclusion:

- Interpretation based on linking existing theories, identifying research gaps etc.

- Quality of theoretical implications (concrete!)


4. Creative and insights and novelty value (refers to aspects 1-3):

- Extent to which you show intellectual depth and a critical assessment with regard to the existing literature

- Extent to which you come up with new and valuable insights and approaches (e.g. extension of theory)

- Approaching a research gap


5. Form and writing style (refers to aspects 1-3):

- Consistent citing of literature (accuracy and consistency in both text and reference list); use of citation manager recommended

- Form of appendix (if attached)

- Academic writing including correct grammar, punctuation and spelling

- Selection of literature according to guideline (focus on peer-reviewed academic journal articles)


Total score



Grades according to points:

94-100 = 1,0        84-86 = 2,0          74-76 = 3,0          64-66 = 4,0

90-93 = 1,3          80-83 = 2,3          70-73 = 3,3          60-63 = 4,3

87-89 = 1,7          77-79 = 2,7          67-69 = 3,7          57-59 = 4,7

Mandatory literature:

| Literature

a)      Before each seminar session, you all need to carefully read and prepare the selected research articles which are listed in the seminar schedule at the end of this course outline. Please download them by yourself via the ZU databases (Ebsco, JStor, etc.) or via GoogleScholar. The relevant books are available in the ZU library.


see course outline

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Tue, 30. Jan. 2018 09:45 12:45 Fab 3 | 1.08 Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
2 Tue, 6. Feb. 2018 09:45 12:45 Fab 3 | 1.08 Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
3 Tue, 13. Feb. 2018 09:45 12:45 Fab 3 | 1.08 Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
4 Tue, 20. Feb. 2018 09:45 12:45 Fab 3 | 1.08 Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
5 Tue, 27. Feb. 2018 09:30 12:30 Fab 3 | 2.05 Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
6 Tue, 6. Mar. 2018 09:30 12:30 Fab 3 | 2.12 Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
7 Tue, 13. Mar. 2018 09:30 12:30 Fab 3 | 2.05 Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
8 Tue, 20. Mar. 2018 09:30 12:30 Fab 3 | 1.08 Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
9 Tue, 24. Apr. 2018 09:30 12:30 Fab 3 | 1.08 Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
10 Tue, 8. May 2018 09:30 12:30 Fab 3 | 2.05 Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Compulsory pass
1. Midterm + Endterm Time tbd Yes
Class session overview
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Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel