123241-44 | G Advanced Methods | G | Discourse Analysis (Cultural Studies)

Course offering details

Instructors: Dr. phil. Esther Schomacher

Event type: Seminar / exercise

Org-unit: Communication & Cultural Management

Displayed in timetable as: Advanced Methods | G

Hours per week: 1,5

Credits: 3,0

Location: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: 10 | 30

Priority scheme: Standard-Priorisierung

Course content:
Almost forty years after the publication of Michel Foucault’s influential works in the 1970s the importance of discourse analysis as a research program within cultural studies can hardly be overrated. This workshop will introduce and discuss its most important concepts and questions.
Starting with a close reading of selected parts of Foucault’s most important methodological texts – The Order of Discourse, The Archeology of Knowledge, Discipline and Punish – , we will discuss the theoretical premises as well as the historical and philosophical context of Foucault’s work.
Working with examples showcasing the reception and development of discourse analysis as a method in cultural studies’ various discipline (such as literary studies, history, gender studies, media studies and theory…), participants will gain insight into the variations in focus and analytical perspective within the vast field of appropriations of foucaultian concepts. This approach will be complemented by a critical exploration of the limits and ‘blind spots’ of discourse analysis.
The workshop will focus on reading and analysing the texts in class and on the development of individual small-scale research projects. In order to achieve the workshop’s aims students are required to be present in class and are encouraged to actively contribute to discussions. The texts and topics to be discussed will be agreed upon within the group.
Reading material, a bibliography, and a program of the two intensive sessions of the course will be made available online before the beginning of term. With regard to Foucault’s works, discussions in class will be based on the English and German translations; however, students are, of course, free to read and/or compare the French original text if they wish to do so.

Educational objective:
Participants will learn to view research projects and question within the field of cultural studies from a discourse analytical perspective as well as to develop their own research along discourse analytical lines. They will also learn to assess in which contexts of cultural analytical research discourse analysis appears as a valuable approach and provides helpful methodological tools – and where it does not. In short: Students will learn what discourse analysis can, and cannot, do.

Further information about the exams:
The examination consists of 3 partial performances: A protocol of a course unit (2-3 pages), a (critical) review of a discourse-analytical research paper (approx. 3 pages), as well as a draft of an own discourse-analytical research project (approx. 3-4 pages).

Mandatory literature:
Didier Eribon: Michel Foucault. Harvard University Press, 1992.
Hubert L. Dreyfus / Paul Rabinow: Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983 (2nd edition).
Clare O'Farrell: Michel Foucault. London: Sage, 2005. (inkl. chronologischer Überblick über Foucaults Biographie und Auflistung der wichtigen Stichpunkte in seiner Arbeit mit Referenzen auf die entsprechenden Primärtexte)

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Fri, 15. Feb. 2019 13:30 19:00 Fab 3 | 2.11 Dr. phil. Esther Schomacher
2 Sat, 16. Feb. 2019 10:00 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.11 Dr. phil. Esther Schomacher
3 Fri, 22. Feb. 2019 13:30 19:00 Fab 3 | 2.11 Dr. phil. Esther Schomacher
4 Sat, 23. Feb. 2019 10:00 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.11 Dr. phil. Esther Schomacher
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Compulsory pass
1. Midterm + Endterm Time tbd Yes
Class session overview
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Dr. phil. Esther Schomacher