123241-44 | N Advanced Methods | N | Limited Dependent Variables

Course offering details

Instructors: Dr. Hugo Bodory

Event type: Lecture with practical interests

Org-unit: Corporate Management & Economics

Displayed in timetable as: Advanced Methods | N

Hours per week: 1,5

Credits: 3,0

Location: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: 5 | 30

Priority scheme: Standard-Priorisierung

Course content:
This course presents methods for the analysis of data with dependent outcome variables that are limited in their range. Such limitations may arise due to models with binary, ordinal, categorical, or censored outcome variables. Models with limited dependent variables are commonly encountered in empirical work that analyzes microdata (e.g. survey data). The topics covered include: 

1.     Probability models.
2.     Maximum likelihood estimation.
3.     Binary, multinomial, and ordered response models.
4.     Tobit, sample selection, and treatment effect models.
5.     Duration and count data models.

As practical illustration and for further intuition, some of methods discussed in the lectures will be applied to data using the statistical software “R (Rstudio)”.


a)     Basic knowledge of econometric methods (OLS model).
b)     Basic knowledge of the programming language “R (Rstudio)”. If you have no experience with R, the tutorial provided at https://www.statmethods.net/r-tutorial/index.html may be helpful.

Educational objective:
Students should get familiar with models based on limited dependent variables and be able to practically implement the concepts.

Further information about the exams:
A 10-page midterm paper has to be submitted 2 weeks after the end of the last lecture. This paper accounts for hundred percent of the grade.

Mandatory literature:
Winkelmann R., Boes S. (2009): Analysis of Microdata, 2nd edition. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Wooldridge, J. M. (2010): Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, 2nd edition, The MIT Press.
Further literature will be announced in the lectures.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Mon, 15. Apr. 2019 10:00 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.02 Dr. Hugo Bodory
2 Tue, 16. Apr. 2019 10:00 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.02 Dr. Hugo Bodory
3 Wed, 17. Apr. 2019 10:00 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.02 Dr. Hugo Bodory
4 Th, 18. Apr. 2019 10:00 16:00 Fab 3 | 2.02 Dr. Hugo Bodory
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Compulsory pass
1. Midterm Time tbd Yes
2. Midterm (Wdh.) Time tbd Yes
Class session overview
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Dr. Hugo Bodory