123241-44 | X Advanced Methods | X | Analysis of Survey Data

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr. Martin Elff

Event type: Seminar / exercise

Org-unit: Sociology, Politics & Economics

Displayed in timetable as: Advanced Methods | X

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 3,0

Location: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: 7 | 24

Priority scheme: Standard-Priorisierung

Course content:
Surveys are a central instrument for data collection in sociological and
political science research on attitudes and behaviour, the empirical analysis of
social structure, and in market research. The analysis of survey data poses a
series of challenges that are only incompletely adressed in regular
introductions to the methods of social research and statistics. These challenges
become more and more urgent in an era of declining response rates in personal
interview surveys and telefone surveys and of an increasing relevance of online
- How can the representativeness of a survey sample be reconstructed if response
  rates are highly uneven?
- How can the precision of estimates improved by taking into account
  population-level information?
- How can non-responses be taken into account in such a way that it does not
  bias survey sample summaries even if non-responses are unevenly distributed?
- How can uncertainty of survey sample-based estimates adequately assessed?   

Beside these fundamental question also more practical problems are adressed in
the course:
- How can I make effective use of information from survey sample documentation
  (such as codebooks)?
- How do I prepare data in such a way that quantitative analysis is feasible at
  - How do I deal with responses to filter questions and responses that are
    preceded by filter questions?
  - How do I construct Likert-Scales from Likert-Items and how do I assess the
    quality of such scales?
  - etc.
- How do I create graphical summaries of survey data that are both accessible
  and informative?    


Educational objective:
The aim of the course is to enable participants to independently prepare and
analyse different kinds of survey data using statistical software (in particular
using R-packages "memisc" and "survey"). The focus lies on an effective
data preparation and creation of data summaries rather than on the application
of advanced multivariate techniques.


Further information about the exams:
Assessment is either based on completing a worksheet or an analysis of survey data to answer a self-chosen research question.

Mandatory literature:
Weisberg, Herbert F.F. 2005. The Total Survey Error Approach: A Guide to the New Science of Survey Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Tue, 8. Feb. 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
2 Tue, 15. Feb. 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
3 Tue, 22. Feb. 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
4 Tue, 1. Mar. 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
5 Tue, 8. Mar. 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
6 Tue, 15. Mar. 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
7 Tue, 22. Mar. 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
8 Tue, 29. Mar. 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
9 Tue, 5. Apr. 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
10 Tue, 26. Apr. 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
11 Tue, 3. May 2022 16:30 18:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 1.06 Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Compulsory pass
1. Endterm Time tbd No
2. Endterm (Wdh.) Time tbd No
Class session overview
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Prof. Dr. Martin Elff