243165 Selected Topics | International Relations & Global Politics I: International Political Economy

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter

Event type: Seminar

Org-unit: Politics, Administration & International Relations

Displayed in timetable as: Selected Topics: In

Hours per week: 3

Credits: 6,0

Location: Campus der Zeppelin Universität

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: 5 | 24

Priority scheme: Standard-Priorisierung

Course content:
After decades of uncontested support for globalization, international economic relations are in turbulent waters. Populism in OECD-countries and the rise of China are two dimensions of this friction. Of course, the two are related: The rise of China had contributed to the reduced political support in the industrialized countries. Today, the geopolitical conflict between China and the West has become a key feature of international economic relations.

At the same time, globalization appears to have become increasingly unpopular. However, this reluctance of citizens in OECD-countries does not appear to be a global phenomenon.Are the old champions of globalization simply tired, whilst emerging societies like China, India and Vietnam continue to show an amazing interest in more, not less globalization.

Currently, both organizations that regulate international economic relations are in trouble. The WTO is very unpopular in the White House and President Biden has not changed the policies of his predecessors. In finance, the situation is similar. Despite the renaissance of the International Monetary Fund afor a few years after 2008, the future role of the IMF may be more limited than its supporters suggest. For example, the Fund continues to be unable to make a meaningful contribution to the resolution of today’s key issues, e.g. the debate on China’s as well as the increasingly problematic monetary policy of the European Central Bank.

The G-20, hailed as the new key forum for Global Governance, fails to deliver and may have turned into a talk shop in a short period of time. The last Summit in Rome was characterized by the absence of leaders from two key players, namely China and Russia. But why is this so? What are the political obstacles that inhibit successful co-operation?

Looking to Europe, after the Covid-19 crisis the German will probably emerge strengthened. But many countries in the EU, including the European Commission, have been criticizing Germany's large current account surplus. The German public, however, does not seem to share the observation that current account surlusses could be a problem. What are the mechanisms, and how could the issue be addressed?


Educational objective:
Students will analyse the history of international economic relations as well as very recent debates on issues related to trade, finance and governance. They will understand the inherent weaknesses of cooperation processes and will be able to apply these skills in the evaluation of current and future issue of Global Economic Governance. Students will analyse the legitimacy of the main institutions of economic governance (IMF, WTO) and will discuss potential avenues for the improvement of the perception of the institutions.

Further information about the exams:
The course will be taught in English. Thus, fluency in English is essential.
•    Each participant will have to make a presentation in the seminar (30 minutes) and participate actively in the debate.
•    The second component is an essay of 3.500 words (in English or German).
•    Composition of assessment: Presentation and essay 50% each.

The essential reading will be made available on the intranet.

Mandatory literature:
Mandatory literature:

  • Autor, David H.; Dorn, David; Hanson, Gordon H. (2016): The China Shock: Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade. National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 21906, January 2016.
  • Baldwin, Richard (2014): WTO 2.0: Governance of 21st century trade. Review of International Organizations, Vol. 9, pp. 261-283.
  • Chellaney, Brahma (2017): China’s Creditor Imperialism. Project Syndicate, 20 December 2017, available at https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/china-sri-lanka-hambantota-port-debt-by-brahma-chellaney-2017-12?barrier=accesspaylog
  • Chen, Zhiwu (2015): China’s Dangerous Debt. Why the Economy could be headed for Trouble, in: Foreign Affairs, 94. Jg., Nr. 3 (May/June 2015), pp. 13-18.
  • Eichengreen, Barry (2008): Globalizing Capital. A History of the International Financial System. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press 2008.
  • Fukuyama, Francis (2016): American Political Decay or Renewal? The Meaning of the 2016 Election. Foreign Affairs, 95. Jg., Nr. 4 (Juli/August 2016), pp. 58-68.
  • Rodrik, Dani (2011): The Globalization Paradox. Democracy and the Future of the World Economy. New York and London: W.W. Norton
  • Song, Zheng Michael; Xiong, Wei (2018): Risks in China’s Financial System. NBER Working Paper 24230, January 2018, available at http://www.nber.org/papers/w24230
  • Winham, Gilbert R. (2014): The evolution of the global trade regime. In: Ravenhill, John (ed.): Global Political Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 108-138.
  • Yamada, Go; Palma, Stefania (2018): Is China’s Belt and Road working? A progress report from eight countries, Financial Times, 1 April 2018.

Additional reading will be made available.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Th, 10. Feb. 2022 10:00 16:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 2.08 | Rot | H Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter
2 Th, 24. Feb. 2022 10:00 16:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 2.08 | Rot | H Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter
3 Fri, 25. Feb. 2022 13:30 16:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 2.08 | Rot | H Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter
4 Sat, 26. Feb. 2022 10:00 12:30 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 2.08 | Rot | H Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter
5 Th, 10. Mar. 2022 10:00 16:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 2.08 | Rot | H Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter
6 Th, 7. Apr. 2022 10:00 16:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 2.08 | Rot | H Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter
7 Th, 21. Apr. 2022 10:00 16:00 Z | NICHT BUCHEN | Cor | Fab 3 | 2.08 | Rot | H Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Compulsory pass
1. Midterm + Endterm Time tbd Yes
Class session overview
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Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter